The month of november saw many bloggers raise to challenge of posting at least one blog post every day as part of National Blog Posting month. It is really tough call for anyone who is not a full-time blogger. I tried to cope up with the posting schedule, I was successful at this blog with more than 30 posts but, I failed miserably with my other blog, How to Live online. Nevertheless, I learnt few lessons from NaBlogPoMo which I present here.
10. I was not paying much attention to this blog prior to November. But, I realise that I have a readership to cater to. Sincere thanks to my readers and fellow bloggers.
09. NaBloPoMo helped me to find the blogging groove again. When I started this blog, "Keep Walking", I used to come up with lots of writing ideas and prompts to feed this blog. Now, the same thing happened again, I am planning to write more personal stuff here.
08.Making a list is a powerful way to getting things done. Even though, I have planned writing tasks sitting at desktop for every blog that I run, when I put a date to each of the item, they get done quicker. Now, I have at least 50 things I would like to write.
07. My blog traffic has increased 200%. Yes, with regular postings, people will find my blog in blog directories more often, and hence more people visited my blog than ever.
06. The number of blog posts in this blog has increased by 30+ in one month. May sound absurd, but, I didn't realise when I was posting, the count is nearly 400 now. What if I have posted at least one post per day from the year 2005?
05. NaBloPoMo brought a human element into blogs and showed that we are all human beings with all the daily troubles and joys. Bloggers who participated were excited, feared if they could cope up, or simply expressed their inabilities to attend to it. Those who survived truly showed their determination. Congrats.
04. I have not commented much on other blogs last month. But, I hope to add more comments from now on to other blogs.
03. I realised that I am not interacting with fellow bloggers. This I would like to change, so expect surprise emails from me.
02. I found how grateful I am to my readers and I am planning to my readers with a post soon.
01. The most important thing that I learnt with NaBloPoMo is this. Any activity practised for 30 days becomes a habit. Sticking to a schedule feels great. I am not a person who goes by schedule. But, after successfully finishing the NaBloPoMo task, I had a sense of achievement which I would take it across to other parts of my life. I am getting organized now.