(Pic: Screenshot of www.adelaidefestivalofideas.com.au) I am looking forward to the upcoming Adelaide Festival of Ideas , where emininent speakers talk about their dreams and ideas for the public (this year's theme "What has to be done?") which is open for debate. The sessions include a wide array of topics. All daytime sessions are free-of-charge, where as evening special sessions are charged at $15 minimum. Some of the topics, which I am going to attend are (All are free!): Crisis as Opportunity: Nature’s Solutions as the Key to our Future The University of Google:Speed searching and the killing of knowledge Einstein’s Big Year Out Brain Drain or Intellectual Traffic Information:The Soul and the Embryo (Parallel Session with the topic below, so, I have to choose one!) Shaping a Sustainable Future:What you can do now The Global Warming Debate: Good Science or Bad Politics? This is a very interesting and thought provoking concept. It has been celebr
Life is such an incredible and happy journey!