Probably, you had been in the situation many a times in India. Shops at theatre complexes, motels and restaurants sell food, snacks or drinks at a higher rate than the Govt. Specified MRP (Maximum Retail Price). Actually, the MRP includes all sorts of taxes and nobody is supposed to sell at a higher price than MRP. I am asking you to read the following mail from one such concerned citizen from India . I have given my advice to the person (May publish if I receive any reply for this post). Then, comment on this what will YOU do at a similar situation. " Hi Murugan I am Abhilash.I stay in India. I am a strict anti-bribery guy.I hate to endorse and support corruption,cause that's the MOST dangerous disease eating away the society;according to me.And first and foremost,that shouldn't be the way of life just because that shouldn't be.It's unethical and illegal. One of the things that irritates me a lot is the selling of some goods at a price more than the M
Life is such an incredible and happy journey!